Friday, April 26, 2013

Wedding Hotel

‘But Park Plaza isn’t a five star. Does Ludhiana even have a five star?’

‘Yes, Radisson but they don’t have a bar license yet. ’

‘I had a dry post-grad, I sure can’t have a dry wedding. But, is it good? Have you been?’

‘It’s owned by the same company as Park Plaza. Not 7 stars but 4-5 possibly.’

‘Hmm. Which one’s better?’

‘I’d say Park Plaza. It smells of old money. Radisson is noveau riche. And since you have no money- new or old, you’d better make it look like its old.’

'Possibly. Okay, catcha later.'

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Living in the Infinite

I have lived my days in the infinite, like the clock would never run out of minutes to tick.

Like the months and the years would never go by. 

When asked of my age, I have mostly answered with a 16 and then corrected it with a calculation from 1992.

I have gazed at a physics problem like it was the only one in the three hour exam.

I have loved like I was already married.

I have looked at things till my eyes lost focus and then looked some more.

I have put off writing like I would always be a writer, no matter how long I went without writing a word.